Sandy Farac Sandy Farac

Breaking the Silence: My Battle Against Coercive Control

Surviving a coercive controlled relationship is the hardest battle I've faced.

In Australia, nearly 1 in 4 women over the age of 15 have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner, with many of these involving coercive control. Coercive control is a pattern of behaviour used by an individual to dominate, manipulate, and control another person in a relationship. It is a form of psychological abuse that involves tactics such as intimidation, threats, isolation, monitoring, and manipulation to exert power and control over the victim. This behaviour is often subtle and insidious, making it difficult for the victim to recognise and escape from the abusive situation. Coercive control can have serious and long-lasting effects on the victim's mental and emotional well-being.

My coercive controlled relationship left me bankrupt and severely traumatised. I was physically threatened and my family had $40,000 cash extorted from them to address the threats made against my life by the associates of my abuser. In 2004 this was an even larger sum of money than it is today. Along with this treatment, I endured mental, emotional, sexual, physical, and further financial abuse as everything I owned (including an apartment I bought) was sold and the money taken by him or used to settled the debts he raised in my name. Just as impactful was the manipulation and systematic undermining of my sense of self. Equally painful was that some of my closest friends were aggressively alienating toward me during that dark time. At one point I fled to other side of the country to escape the dangerous people he associated with and was systematically isolated from my friends and family. This treatment left me with deep scars which I am working on healing still. As the child of a migrant parents for whom English is a second language, I was not aware of how to get the kind of support I needed to escape my abusive tormentor (who still remains free and is working in Sydney).

Fortunately it is possible to heal from this type of abuse, and through that process, I found my purpose which includes helping and empowering others recovering from similar situations. The first step is learning to identify the signs of a Coercive Control relationship:

1. Isolation: Cutting you off from friends and family.

2. Monitoring: Constantly checking your phone, emails, or whereabouts.

3. Gaslighting: Making you doubt your own reality and sanity.

4. Financial Control: Restricting access to money or controlling your finances.

5. Emotional Manipulation: Using guilt, fear, or threats to control you.

6. Sexual Coercion: Pressuring or forcing you into unwanted sexual activities.

7. Physical and Verbal Abuse: Any form of physical harm, threats and undermining, including violently smashing objects in your presence.

Recognising these signs is the first step to reclaiming your life. You are not alone, and there is help available.

Your journey to healing begins with acknowledging the truth and reaching out for the support you deserve. 

Sharing this isn't easy, but it's necessary for me because after years of second guessing myself and being afraid, I’m starting the reclaim my power. Just as important is to normalise talking about survival from abuse because this is how anyone who is this type of relationship might find themselves empowered to make their own first steps toward recovery. While I am massively recovered and taking big strides in my life, sometimes I suffer social anxiety and still can experience waves of panic when I am alone. I share this because after the decades of cowering away from connections, and having lots of therapy and healing work, I am becoming okay allowing myself to be seen.

My story is one of many, yet each one is crucial. By speaking out, I hope to shed light on the insidious nature of coercive control and encourage others to recognise the signs and seek help.

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Sandy Farac Sandy Farac

Are YOU wanting & wishing for things to be different in your life but don’t know where to begin?

What even are these things?

A list of things that may only ever remain on your wanting & wishing list unless you decide to do something about it:

  • Live your soul’s expression

  • Live your purpose

  • Live your best life

  • Start a new business

  • Find your dream job

  • Get fit and healthy

  • Find peace within yourself

  • Live authentically

  • Connect with others more authentically

  • Find a loving authentic relationship

  • Receive more love

  • Enjoy your life

  • Overcome your fears

  • Gain self-confidence

  • Appreciate your self-worth

  • Become a self-care boss

  • Find the courage within you to go out and get what you want

  • Find meaning in what already exists in you or in the world

Whatever it is that you want or wish for are only just that, WANTS & WISHES until you decide to so something about it.

That is why I created a simple 5 SIMPLE STEP formula so you can get out of the rut of being stuck.

If you can relate to this there is no need to feel ashamed of this, because most people don’t often realise that they are in this phase.

You may find yourself constantly saying “I’ll do something about it tomorrow” but tomorrow never comes or you don’t know where to begin.

You may have this feeling of being stuck and an attitude that sounds a bit like “I can’t”.

Whatever it is, there is no need to worry, just know there is a way through.



1. WANTING & WISHING: People often get stuck here. This could include wanting and wishing for something that relates to yourself or a relationship that’s important to you. You may also feel that life is happening to you, not for you. Frustration and unhappiness are very common here. This phase would be the beginning of your journey. To get out of here and move into the next step, DECIDE, it is necessary to accept and acknowledge this and be open to the possibility things can be different.

2. DECIDE: Real change first begins when you truly DECIDE to change. Here you may say, “Nothing will stop me!” You will feel subtle energy starting to circulate in your body, which is good. Nothing will change unless you decide.

3. COMMIT: This phase is where you first take action. Here you commit to getting the support you need to clarify your heart’s desire and the actions you need to take. Once you book our first session, you can relax with the understanding you’re now standing on the edge of the next step; EXPLORE.

4. EXPLORE: At this phase, together, we explore the possibilities and see how you can get to where you want to be and precisely what is required to get you there.

Here you uncover the steps to create the life you are (now) ready to live. This could include supporting you to find clarity on what you want or working around your blockages and trauma responses. Whether it is therapy, coaching, scorpion work, or psychoeducation, Sandy will draw from her tool kit to provide you with the support you need to guide you in the right direction. This way, you can equip yourself with the self-confidence to remove self-limiting beliefs and blockages so you can create a meaningful life that is soulfully rich! AND let’s not forget to get what you want! “More of that, please!”

5. EXECUTE VISION: This phase takes action once again and is where the rubber hits the road. Executing your vision focuses on your driving force to bring your vision to fruition.

For some, the EXECUTE VISION phase can be challenging. It may be self-doubt, inner criticism (for which I have a course), and self-esteem issues. For others, learning how to honestly assess how they are going without shame, negative judgment, or guilt and then holding themselves gently accountable is a life-changing skill to develop. That is why coaching and therapy walk hand in hand to heal and resolve the challenges that keep you living small and then propel you forward.

These 5-simple steps create a forward motion regardless of how stuck you think or believe you are.

Many people can get STUCK in the WANTING & WISHING phase for years or even decades. Life can go by without making any progress which means that things can only worsen. Don’t let this be you!

DECIDE and COMMIT by booking your complimentary discovery session today.

You are only one step away from EXPLORING what’s possible!

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Sandy Farac Sandy Farac

The Importance of Discovering Your Why

Have you ever paused to reflect on the underlying purpose behind your actions and aspirations? Understanding your "why" can be a transformative journey that not only shapes your life but also empowers you to make a positive impact on the world. When you discover your why, you unlock a sense of purpose and direction that guides your decisions and fuels your motivation. It becomes the driving force behind everything you do.

Why is it important to discover your why?

1. Clarity and Focus: When you know your why, you gain clarity about your goals and aspirations. It becomes easier to prioritise your time, energy, and resources towards activities that align with your purpose. This clarity helps you stay focused, eliminating distractions and allowing you to make intentional choices that propel you forward.

2. Motivation and Resilience: Your why acts as a constant source of motivation. It provides the fuel to overcome obstacles and persevere during challenging times. When you face setbacks or encounter difficulties, reminding yourself of your purpose can reignite your determination and inspire you to keep moving forward.

3. Authenticity and Fulfillment: Discovering your why allows you to align your actions with your core values and beliefs. It helps you live a life that is true to yourself, rather than conforming to societal expectations or external pressures. By embracing your authentic self, you experience a deep sense of fulfillment and inner satisfaction.

4. Impact and Contribution: Your why is closely tied to making a meaningful difference in the world. When you understand your purpose, you can channel your energy towards creating positive change. Your unique gifts and talents can be utilised to empower others and contribute to a greater collective purpose. By embracing your why, you become a catalyst for transformation, inspiring and empowering others to do the same.

After spending time to discover and articulate my why, "To empower individuals to unleash their creative force, so that together we can powerfully embody our true essence," I have experienced a profound transformation. I have realised that creativity is not limited to artists or innovators but is an inherent quality within each of us. By empowering individuals to tap into their creative force, I aim to help them unlock their full potential and live a life that is authentic and aligned with their true essence.

When we embrace our creative force, we break free from societal limitations and embrace our unique gifts and talents. We become the architects of our own lives, designing a reality that resonates with our deepest desires. By empowering individuals to embody their true essence, we create a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves, inspiring others to embark on their own transformative journeys.

Discovering and living your why is a lifelong process. It requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to explore your passions and purpose. But the rewards are immense. As you uncover your why, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and the ability to make a lasting impact on the world around you.

Take the time to unearth your why. Embrace your purpose and let it guide you towards a life of clarity, authenticity, and fulfillment.

When you remove the blocks to unleash your creative force you empower others to do the same, creating a world where everyone can live in alignment with their true essence.

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Sandy Farac Sandy Farac

Embracing Growth and Letting Go: Creating Space for Emotional Well-being

In life, we encounter various relationships that shape our journey. While many bring joy and positivity, some relationships can be toxic, hindering our emotional well-being. It takes courage to acknowledge when a person's inability to be there for us emotionally is holding us back from personal growth. In this blog post, I explore the importance of letting go and creating space for healthy, fulfilling connections.

1. Recognising Toxic Relationships:

Toxic relationships can manifest in different ways, from constant negativity and lack of empathy to emotional manipulation. It's crucial to identify these patterns and understand how they impact our emotional well-being. Reflect on your experiences and assess if certain relationships have become toxic, hindering your growth and happiness.

2. Prioritising Self-Love and Well-being:

Letting go doesn't mean holding grudges or harboring resentment; it's an act of self-love. We owe it to ourselves to prioritise our emotional well-being. Surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and support us emotionally is essential. By doing so, we create an environment that allows us to flourish and nurture our own inner peace.

3. Accepting the Challenge of Letting Go:

Letting go is not an easy process. It requires strength, resilience, and a deep understanding of our worth. Accept that it may be difficult, but know that by releasing toxic relationships, you open yourself up to new opportunities and positive energies. Embrace the challenge, knowing that you deserve healthy, fulfilling connections.

4. Cultivating Positive Relationships:

As you let go of toxic relationships, make room for positive ones. Seek out individuals who respect and appreciate your emotional needs. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being and are willing to support you through life's ups and downs. These connections will nurture your growth and bring you closer to your true self.

5. The Power of Self-Growth:

Letting go allows you to embark on a journey of self-growth. As you distance yourself from toxic relationships, you create space to discover your passions, goals, and dreams. Embrace this newfound freedom and use it to explore your true potential. By investing in your own growth, you attract positivity, love, and deeper connections.

Letting go of toxic relationships is a courageous act of self-love. It's an active choice to prioritise your emotional well-being and create space for positive energies in your life.

Remember, you deserve happiness, love, and genuine connections. Embrace the journey of growth, and trust that by letting go, you open yourself up to a brighter future filled with incredible experiences and meaningful relationships.

Embrace the power of letting go, and watch as your life transforms into a tapestry of love, happiness, and personal fulfilment.

Sandy x

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Sandy Farac Sandy Farac

Welcome to the THINK LAB for Inner Warriors!

It all begins with an idea.

Hello and welcome to the THINK LAB for Inner Warriors. Every month or so I will offering some insights and ideas that I find interesting and want to share for those that are interested in personal growth. I will be exploring the mind, body, soul and spirit upon this journey and many other topics. So enjoy the journey.

SF x

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